Origin, overview and purpose of the unemployment fund
Article supplied by Narike Kachelhoffer, Evimeria Accounting and Labour Assist
The application of the unemployment fund:
The legal contribution obligation towards the unemployment fund:
The employer and the unemployment fund:
Apart from the obligation to deduct your workers’ 1% contribution from their earnings, this must be declared and paid over to the fund together with the business’s statutory declarations. The South African Income Tax Service is only a payment option in respect of the fund. This is not a declaration to the fund. Therefore, the declarations of contributions by the employer must be maintained monthly through the Unemployment Fund’s platform at www.uif.co.za.
The worker and the unemployment fund:
- Students employed by businesses in relation to their studies (students who are employed and study completely independently are seen as normal workers)
- Workers who earn commission and no basic salary
- Workers on learning programs supported by the business
- Immigrant workers employed on contract
- Government agency employees e.g. municipal workers
- Workers who work less than 24 hours per month
Claiming from the unemployment fund:
Workers can claim from the fund in the following cases:
- Students employed by businesses in relation to their studies (students who are employed and study completely independently are seen as normal workers)
- Workers who earn commission and no basic salary
- Workers on learning programs supported by the business
- Immigrant workers employed on contract
- Government agency employees e.g. municipal workers
- Workers who work less than 24 hours per month
There is also a death benefit available to the survivors of a deceased worker who made contributions to the fund.
- Resignation
- Worker who deserts (when an employee is absent from the workplace without the intention of returning to work) associated with case studies
- If no contribution to the fund was deducted or made during the period of employment
- Temporary suspension pending a hearing