
Besigheid word bedryf in ‘n uitdagende omgewing waar die ekonomie en ander eksterne faktore ‘n besigheid met min opsies laat om mededingend en volhoubaar te wees in die arbeidsomgewing. Opsies varieer van herorganiseer tot herstrukturering en selfs afleggings (personeelvermindering).


Baie aspekte moet egter in ag geneem word om die werkgewer se risiko te beperk met betrekking tot die proses, asook die betaling van skeidingsvergoeding. Dit is noodsaaklik dat werkgewers altyd die korrekte prosedure volg soos vereis deur arbeidswetgewing wanneer enige veranderinge oorweeg word aan werknemers se bepalings en voorwaardes van indiensneming, veral wanneer daar ‘n moontlikheid is dat werknemers hulle werk as gevolg daarvan kan verloor.


Before an employer can consider any layoffs, they must follow a strict procedure as outlined in the Labour Relations Act. Consultations form an extremely important part of this process and include the following:


  • Written notice: Employers must notify employees of the intended consultation by means of a written memorandum with at least 48 hours’ notice before the consultation.  Each employee must sign a copy of the memorandum as proof of receipt.  It is important that employees have the opportunity to prepare for the consultation and find possible alternative workable solutions.  If an employee is a member of a trade union, the trade union must also be notified of the consultation.
  • First consultation: Consult with the employees to discuss the content of the notice.  The purpose of the consultation is for the employer to give employees an opportunity to make representations regarding the proposed layoffs.  Both parties now have the opportunity to discuss alternative considerations.  The employer must at all times act in good faith and keep an open mind throughout the process and give serious consideration to all alternative proposals presented.  The consultation must be held with all potentially affected employees and/or the union.
  • Alternatives: All alternatives presented during the consultation must be investigated and discussed.  If the alternatives are not workable and there are no further alternatives, the process can be concluded.  Employees affected by the layoffs must be informed of this in writing and receive the necessary documentation. The notice period begins when the employee becomes aware of the layoff.

    If an employee suggests at any given moment during the consultations that they can be laid off voluntarily, the employer can accept it as such.  However, if an employee chooses voluntary redundancy, they must be aware that they will not be able to claim unemployment benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund.




Werkgewers moet veral let op die volgende:


  • Moet nie vooraf werknemers identifiseer wat afgelê moet word nie.
  • Die rede vir afleggings moet billik wees.
  • Daar moet met al die partye gekonsulteer word.
  • Keuringskriteria moet regverdig en objektief wees.
  • Die finale vergoedingsuitbetaling moet korrek bereken en uitbetaal word.


‘n Werkgewer moet “skeidingsvergoeding” betaal aan ‘n werknemer wat afgelê word. Hierdie skeidingspakket is normaalweg gelyk aan minstens een week se vergoeding vir elke voltooide jaar van aaneenlopende diens, maar kan natuurlik verskil afhangende van industriespesifieke wetlike bepalings.


Buiten die skeidingsvergoeding, moet die werkgewer ook die volgende gelde oorbetaal:


  • Salaris tot en met die laaste werksdag.
  • Opgehoopte verlof.
  • Betaling vir kennisperiode, selfs indien die werknemer nie vereis word om die kennisperiode te werk nie.

Arbeidswetgewing stel streng vereistes waaraan werkgewers moet voldoen. Arbeidswetgewing is nie onderhandelbaar nie en om daaraan te voldoen verg spesialiskennis, wat ‘n besigheidsrisiko inhou vir die werkgewer.

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Ons help om enige leemtes te identifiseer ten einde te verseker dat jy binne wetlike riglyne besigheid doen. Ons help om enige leemtes te identifiseer ten einde te verseker dat jy binne wetlike riglyne besigheid doen.