Not all emergencies will require evacuation procedures, but when such action is indicated and an alarm is sounded, evacuations are vital to ensure that the potential risk to life and health of all concerned (employees as well as visitors, clients, suppliers, service providers etc.) is limited. Even though a ‘safety drill’ or ‘evacuation plan drill’ may be time-consuming and irritating to some, especially when you are busy with urgent business, it is important to remember that emergencies do not wait for convenient times to occur – they come at any time of the day or night. Emergencies are, by definition, unexpected and unforeseen.
The difference between emergency plans and evacuation plans is mainly the following:
Effective evacuation procedures are planned to ensure smooth and safe action and are intended to ensure that normal operations can continue as quickly as possible after ensuring the safety of people, buildings and equipment. One of the main aims of an effective plan is that it helps to avoid panic, while protecting people and property.
The ‘unforeseen’ part of emergencies can be mitigated by having evacuation plans that have the following characteristics:
Very often the individuals responsible for occupational health and safety will also be tasked with responsibility for evacuation procedures. Where relevant, it may be useful to ask professional occupational health and safety advisors to assist by reviewing the process of creating evacuation plans. They could also advise you on the inclusion of relevant actions, implements, materials and signage. For instance, simply by providing input in terms of the visibility of signage or the contents of first-aid kits, expert advisors could ensure that your evacuation plans are as good as they can get for your specific buildings and other structures as well as the people you employ. An organisation such as Beehive OH&S could also advise you on the best way to include evacuation procedures in your overall health and safety planning.
Contact Leo van der Walt of Beehive OH&S and his staff to discuss your specific requirements at 072 594 5989, or